Jumat, 18 Januari 2013



The anti-globalist  is meant to people who oppose the globalization. It is a public term that is used for explaining political action by people or group disagree a free market or the trade agreement. It is also opposes the global organization such as, World Trade Organization(WTO), Internatioanl Monetary Found(IMF) and the others global organization. Anti-Globalization or counter-globalization movement is critical of the globalization of corporate capitalism. The movement is also commonly referred to as the global justice movement, alter-globalization movement, anti-globalist movement, anti-corporate globalization movement,  or movement against neoliberal globalization the views of anti-globalists are:

Some views of the anti-globalist are like the Canadian journalist Naomi Klein with her book No Logo who criticized the production practices of multinational corporations and the omnipresence of brand-driven marketing in popular culture, has become "manifesto" of the movement, presenting in a simple way themes more accurately developed in other works. In India some intellectual references of the movement can be found in the works of Vandana Shiva, an ecologist and feminist, who in her book Biopiracy documents the way that the natural capital of indigenous peoples and ecoregions is converted into forms of intellectual capital, which are then recognized as exclusive commercial property without sharing the private utility thus derived. The writer Arundhati Roy is famous for her anti-nuclear position and her activism against India's massive hydroelectric dam project, sponsored by the World Bank. In France the well-known monthly paper Le Monde Diplomatique has advocated the anti-globalization cause and an editorial of its director Ignacio Ramonet brought about the foundation of the association ATTAC . Susan George of the Transnational Institute has also been a long-term influence on the movement, as the writer of books since 1986 on hunger, debt, international financial institutions and capitalism. The works of Jean Ziegler, Christopher Chase-Dunn, and Immanuel Wallerstein have detailed underdevelopment and dependence in a world ruled by the capitalist system. Pacifist and anti-imperialist traditions have strongly influenced the movement. Critics of United States foreign policy such as Noam Chomsky, Susan Sontag, and the others.
The interest of countries who has realized during the process of globalization. Some actions are done by countries are:
First, country prepares the good human resourch. The first thing that government has to improve is the good human resourch. When the country has good human resouch, so that government is capable to face the globalization.
Second, country defends good value or good culture. The influence of globalization is very big in the country, but one of the thing that has to defend is good value or good culture. The government has to pay attention for resolving the problem.

Although the world has been walked by technology and machine, but it can not be denied that here are many poor nations in the world who have citizens are difficulty to live their selves. There are still many poor nations do not technology acces and they have agriculture systems very traditional. In the other side, a rich and development country such as, U.S.A, Jerman, China, and other rich countries. They do not have big attention to develop the poor nations, but they use a chance to market their products.  So that, globalization do influence the poor countries. It brings negative effect on the poor countries in the world. The globalization makes the poor nations becomes poorer because some factors.
First, the number of proverty. The globalization influenced poor nation by the number of  proverty. The number of proverty is happened because field of work is limited. The government can not open new field of work. So that, the number of proverty is to be high and government must open new job.
Second, social conflict is also cause of the poor nations. It happens because a part of people in the poor nation. It is effected by globalization. the citizens of the poor nation feels unfair in the society because effect of globalization. For example, Somalia in East Africa. Somalia is one of the ten countries is included the poor nation. In this country, it often happen the social conflict between government and disturber there.
Beside that, globalization influences the spheres of religion and culture. The spheres of religion and culture has a role which is very important in our life. They are effected by globalization because in this case religion will be affected by western religion and culture. It is because religion and culture are free to expose in globalization. Socio cultural effect, it can increasingly global capitalist cultural values ​​in the world community. The spread of western style dresses in developing countries, proliferation of film production in the form of CDs or DVDs. Our society, especially young people who forget a lot of Indonesian identity as a nation of self Indonesia as a nation, because of his lifestyle tends to imitate western culture is considered by the world community as a Mecca.
Globalization can make influence country from the ecology. Ecology is a human science as well. There are many practical applications of ecology in conservation biology, wetland management, natural resource management (agroecology, agriculture, forestry, agroforestry, fisheries), city planning (urban ecology), community health, economics, basic and applied science, and human social interaction (human ecology). Ecosystems maintain biophysical feedback mechanisms that modulate metabolic rates and evolutionary dynamics between living (biotic) and nonliving (abiotic) components of the planet. Ecosystems sustain life-supporting functions and produce natural capital through the regulation of continental climates, global biogeochemical cycles, water filtration, soils, food, fibres, medicines, erosion control, and many other natural features of scientific, historical, economic, or intrinsic value. Beside that, the other effect of ecology can be seen from influence of ecology, such as climate, flood, and the other effect.  
As conclusion, the anti-globalists oppose or refuse the globalization because the globalization has many bad influence in the country, espicially to the poor nations. Globalization can make a  country bad effect to economic, culture, religion, ecology and many others.
Wikipedia. (2012, Desember, 14). Antiglobalization. Retrived
         From http://www. wikipedia/antiglobalization.htm
Wikipedia. (2012, Desember, 14). Globalization. Retrived
         From http://www.wikipedia/globalization/the free encyclopedia.htm
 Wikepedia. (2012, Desember, 14). Ecology. Retrived       
         From http://www.wikipedia/ecology eng.htm