Senin, 04 Juni 2012


Planning of implementation E-Voting in the General Elections
Using electronic voting(e-voting) in the general elections is a controversial issue at the present time. The eletronic voting has been became a discourse to do general elections in Indonesia for along time. If the e-voting is seen deeply, the e-voting would be good sollution in the problems of general elections. E-voting from the word electronic voting that refers to using information technology at the general elections. Another definition, electronic voting(e-voting) is a method for  taking of voice and calculation of voice in the general elections by using electronic sets.
This essay explores some of the issues surronding around planning of electronic voting(e-voting) in the general elections and considers arguments from both the electronic voting(e-voting) and traditional voting. There are many people want to apply electronic voting at the general elections in future because it has many benefits in its the implementation, but in other side a lot of people defend tradisional voting in the general elections.
In applying of the e-voting in the general elections can decrease fee the elections. In Jembrana, Bali has successed to do general elections with e-voting system for 54 chief of citizens in 31 villages that have been started since last year half( Lubis, 2011 ). In the fact, doing of e-voting is compared with doing of traditional voting can be thrifty fee more than 60 percent. For example, if the traditional voting in the general elections uses fee around 13 billions, whereas the e-voting will use fee only 3 billions.
The benefit of e-voting in the general elections is to make citizens easily. Electors only need time around six untill fourty five to decide their choise. If the e-voting is compared with rhe traditional voting, the traditional will take the time is four or five minutes. The tools of e-voting can be used some times. Also, the TPS(voting place) can accomodate one thousand electors, whereas the traditional voting can accomodate only around five hundreds untill seven hundreds electors every voting place.
Process of e-voting in the general elections is far from dishonest. The e-voting is applied with using KTP(Identification Card) that bases chip is called e-KTP. Using of the e-KTP is to make elector impossible to do election more than one.
However, implementation of e-voting in the general elections has some high obstacles that must be faced by government. One of the obstacle when government applies e-voting in the general elections future is limited human resource. The limited human resource that is meaned here are operator of e-voting and elector of e-voting. The operators of e-voting in Indonesia are still very poor. We are less of proffesor in technology. Beside that, the electors of e-voting are many people do not understand about the technology. For example, the people do not know to read or write something, whereas in the traditional of voting, the electors can decide their choice, but in the e-voting electors can not decide their choice.
Not all areas in Indonesia can implement electronic voting(e-voting) in the general elections. A big difficult is faced by provinces of Indonesia that is still undevelop. Infrastructures and suprastructures do not support in the e-voting. Big part of the provinces are in East Indonesia. For example, province of Papua, province of Nusa Tenggara Timur(NTT), province of North Maluku and many others. In the provinces are there are many citizens do not understand about e-voting.
In conclusion, implementation of electronic voting(e-voting) in the general elections has many benefits, but it also has weakness in its implementation. The benefits are to decrease fee the elections, to efficient the time at election time, and the process of e-voting is far from dishonest. Regarding of the e-voting must be applied to all areas in Indonesia. Therefore, the government of Indonesia has to improve the infrastructures and supratructures of each in all provinces.
Lubis, M. ( 2011, Desember, 31 ). Implementasi e-voting di Indonesia. Antarnews. Retrived From  kepala-dusun.


Bibliogrhaphic Citation
Hasibuan, J. J., & Moedjiono. (2009). Proses Belajar Mengajar. Bandung: PT Rosdakarya.
The book I choose to review for this assignment is entitled Proses Belajar  Mengajar by author Hasibuan (2009). This book introduces basic strategy in teaching learning process. It defines teaching learning process is process of teaching learning where instructors or teacher give presentation with certain technique. As we know, teaching learning process is very important because many people smart in subject of knowledge, but they can not teach their knowledge. According to “Prof. Dr. Nugroho Notosusanto, former of Minister Education and Cultural, he said that only two occupations in this world are the teacher and non teacher. Why ? because one of identities in occupation of teacher who differentiates with occupation of  non teacher is teaching”(Hasibuan, 2008, p. vii).
This book can be used by all students of education programs or academicians who want to learn methods of teaching. Students of  education programs is obligated to master lessons about teaching because they are prepared to become profesional teachers in the future.

The author of Proses Belajar Mengajar divided by two parts are Strategi Belajar Mengajar and Analisis Model Mengajar dan Pengajaran Mikro.
The book explains some techniques of teaching and problems of teaching. “Techniques of teaching is a knowledge about methods of teaching which is used by teachers or instructors. The other definition of techniques of teaching is a technique of presentation that is used by teachers  to teach subject of knowledge to students at Class, so that the subject of knowledge is understood well by students” (Roestiyah, 2008, p. 1).
The book starts to explain the real of strategy of teaching learning and method of teaching. ”Strategy of  teaching learning is general pattern of action between teacher and students in teaching learning process. The author defferentiates strategy of teaching learning with method of teaching. Method of teaching is tool that be used in strategy of teaching learning or manner of implementation in strategy of teaching learning. Method of teaching is also a tool to achive learning purpose” (Hasibuan, 2008, p. 3).
Some methods of teaching are method of speech, method of question, discussion, small groups, simulation, and method of demonstration. The methods can develop our knowledge. “we study: 10% from what we read, 20% from what we listen, 30% from what we see, 50% from what we see and listen, 70% from what we say, 90% from what we say and do” (Deporter et al., 1999, p. 57).
The book then analyzes style of  microteaching. ”Microteaching is as performance training method designed to isolate the component parts of teaching process, so that the trainee can master each component one by one in a simplified teaching situation” (Knight & Laughlin, 1971 as cited in Hasibuan, 2009, p. 44).
If we see the title of the book is “Proses Belajar Mengajar” from content side the book is not complete or bad to be used as refrence for teaching learning process.
First, content of the book does not explain teaching learning process with a method using of high technology. The modern methods is not mentioned in this book. The modern  method is a modern method for presentation a lesson to students. Such as, process of  teaching learning by computer, and LCD. The method of using technology in teaching learning process is very important understood. “ Developments of modern era can be signed with advance of knowledge and high technology. So that way, in teaching learning process should be developed with new methods. One of the way is teaching learning process by using of computer. Using of computer can help to search new informations, and new knowledges” (Roestiyah, 2008, p. 154).
Secondly, content of the book is method that makes student to be bored. The method that I means is speech method in the book. The method of speech is a manner to deliver a lesson with oral communication. It is seen as traditional method that makes students who be passive, not suitable for development student skills, and sometimes the teacher becomes authoritarian.
The explanation is cleared by the other book that “ Teaching process which is most traditional and longest in history of education is teaching process of speech method. Since long time, the teachers delivered their knowledge to students with oral cummunication or speech method. Speech method sometime makes students bored” (Roetiyah, 2008, p. 136).

            I would like to say that I would reccomend this book to people who want to learn about techniques of teaching learning process. I can conclude that starting from the first page untill the last page in this book is simple book. The book are simple because its language is easy to be understood, and its page is not too long. I had no any difficulty to understand it.
            In general aspect of the book is well to be used as refrence. Although, there is weakness of the book, but the  weakness of the  book is only there is no presentation of learning teaching method by cumputer. The big part of side in the book explains method that is very useful for student of education program or someone who wants to be good teacher in the future.                                                                                                                                                                                         
Hasibuan, J. J., & Moedjiono. (2009). Proses Belajar Mengajar. Bandung: PT Remaja
Roestiyah, N. K. (2008). Strategi Belajar Mengajar. Jakarta: Renika Cipta.
Deporter, B., Reardon, M., & Singer-Nourie, S. (1999). Quantum Teaching: Orchestratin
Student Succes. Boston: Allyn and Bacon.                                                

Minggu, 01 Januari 2012



A.   Definition of Brotherhood
Brotherhood in a general sense is the establishment of relationship between individuals who bound each other by a sense of  togetherness.
If we speak about Brotherhood, we often hear  The term of islamic brotherhood  is not meaningful  brotherhood among the people
Islam, but the brotherhood that is based on the teachings of Islam or
which is Islamic brotherhood. Therefore the scope Islamic Brotherhood
not only between Muslims with other Muslims but also
brotherhood with non-Muslims, even with other creatures.

"Brotherhood", it symbolizes, that the intimate relationship between all human being and members joined in it,  like a brotherly relationship between man and the man who comes from one womb; ang relationship that does not distinguish who am "I" ?  and who are "you " ??.

B.   The Causes  Of  The Crisis of Brotherhood

a.     Fanaticism  Groups
Fanaticism group is a group where  assume that his  group is higher than other group, such    as racism.  
b.    Individuals Deffrences
1.     Individual differences, including differences in the establishment and feelings.
Every human being is a unique individual. That is way  every person has the stance and feelings different from one another. Differences establishment and feeling of something or a real environment can be a factor causing social conflict, because to live a social relationship, a person is not always in line with the group. For example, when musical performances take place in the neighborhood, of every citizen will feel different. There is a feeling disturbed because of noisy, but some are amused.
2.     Background of cultural differences, so as to form different personalities.
Someone a little more will be affected by patterns of thought and the establishment of the group. Establishment of different thoughts and it will ultimately result in individual differences that can lead to conflict.

3.     Differences of interest between individuals or groups.
Humans have feelings, and the establishment of different cultural backgrounds. Therefore, in the same time, each person or group has different interests. Sometimes people can do the same thing, but for different purposes.

C.   Basis of Brotherhood in Holy Quran/ Hadit

a.     Holy Quran


 “ The believers are in single botherhood, so make peace between  
your brothers. And fear Allah that you may receive mercy . “
( Al- Hujarah  verse  : 10 )

b.    Hadit

Messanger of Allah said,

·        Our group is not included anyone who calls to asabiyya (fanaticism group). And whoever does not include our group who fought on the basis of asabiyya (fanaticism group). And whoever does not include our group who was killed in the name of ashobiyyah (fanaticism group). "(Narrated by Abu Dawood)”.

·        “ Allah doesn’t look at your appearance or your possessions, but He looks at your heart and your deeds. “ ( looked  : Abu Hurairah and Muslim).